sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007

Project´s Time in Brazil/Brasília

This is an invitation to all teachers who are iEARN members in Brasil and in Brasília.It´s time for us to start new projects. Karlla Vieira from CILT and Valda Silva are starting new projects: Karlla will work the "Cultural Recipe Book" with Bill Belsey from Canada. Valda with our colleague Lenoir are starting "Side by Side" with the teachers Rowena and Yvonne from Miami Country Day School in Miami.More, Andréia and Adriana from Fundação Bradesco - Ceilândia are starting "Christmas Cards" and "Side By Side".I´m starting a brand new project proposed during the training for Fund. Bradesco: "The Box of My Life". See details in the forum.I hope you can get excited to plan and participate in one of the projects in the iEARN website: http://www.iearn.org/Please, let us know if you are starting a project.

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